Words of Wisdom:Presidents Day
Stop. Now Motion Time
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, recommended look, stop motion, 0
You could call this the one stop(motion) shop blog post. Ok I tried to be witty, it probably failed....
Free Textures
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Adobe, mixed media, Photo, photoshop, textures, 0
Textures are the key to making some really great mixed media in Adobe Photoshop. Subtle textures can add so...
Police Mugshots in the 1920s
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Photography, Police Mugshots 1920s, recommended look, 0
Through my job I see a lot of mugshots. Technically speaking, most that come in are not color-balanced, cut-off...
The Beauty of Popcorn
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, popcorn, recommended look, video, 0
This is surprisingly beautiful. Check out this popcorn exploding at 6,200 frames per second. Check it out here
Pumpkin Carving
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, halloween, pumpkin carving, Ray Villafane, 0
Check out these amazing carved pumpkins just in time for Halloween. Ray Villafane is the artist behind these creations....
I can do the Robocop
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, bands, japanese, pop, robot, singer, 0
If she can’t do the robot than I am going to be very disappointed. Check out the robotic superstar.
Album Preview:MGMT-Congratulations
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, MGMT, music, Review, Subservient Experiment, 1
I did a little review for my favorite music blog- Subservient Experiment. It really is hard to follow-up MGMT’s...
New Look
Creative Moxie Studio, Blog, Laura Sliva, new layout, Uncategorized, 0
I have been very busy on the interwebs and one of my goals was to give my blog a...
Recent Posts
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