I have always been a fan of Tina Roth Eisenberg’s Swiss Miss website and I also follow her on twitter @swissmiss. So it was great to see this comprehensive list of her studio mates and their tweets. Clean design, basic and frankly a nice idea. Click here to visit Studiomates
Crazy Paper Thing
Creative Moxie Studio, paper, paper folding, recommended look, Uncategorized, YouTube, 0
Transform a piece of paper into a morphing three-dimensional sculpture. Via Sparkyarf
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, 0
If you have been a casualty to the economy, like yours truly, than this film is something you should...
Baseball Time
Creative Moxie Studio, baseball, Uncategorized, 0
With opening day for the Texas Rangers tomorrow, I thought ‘what’s more appropriate than having a baseball post’. I...
DJ Stout UTA Magazine
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, DJ Stout, magazine, redesign, UTA, 0
The University of Texas at Arlington is finally starting to get with it. As a recent grad I’m still in...
A Very Merry Christmas From My Cat to Yours
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Cat, Merry Christmas, Photo, 0
Creative Moxie and Gilbert wish you a Merry Christmas …and yes my cat speaks in comic sans.
Cute Animals
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, animal, baby animals, baby piglet, cute, 0
You are not a human being if you do not find any of this cute. Click here for more…
Boston, MA
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, art, Battle of Bunker Hill, Boston, Boston Commons, Laura Sliva, Massachusetts, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Old Ironside, Photography, Statues, 0
Samuel Adams Brewery Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston...
Guide to Information Graphics
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Dona Wong, newspaper, recommended read, The Wall Street Journal Guide to Information Graphics, 0
Working at a newspaper for several years now as a graphic designer, it is not only my job to...
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