Photoshop cooking with Maya Rota Klein. The simulation of a tutorial which shows how to make cookies with Adobe Photoshop The entire stop motion set was made with cardboard and with kitchen utensils. Click here to see the stopmotion video
Pulp to Paper Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Andrew Buckley, Pulp to paper, recommended look, video, 1 Andrew Buckley always had phenomenal sports shots, so now it is great to see him experimenting with video and...
+ Wind Map Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, data, energy, infographics, recommended site, Wind Map, 0 “An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may...
+ Ring-A-Ling Creative Moxie Studio, alliterations, etsy, Uncategorized, 0 Camera Ring $5.00 Personalized Wood Tree Trunk Heart Ring $5.00 Check out these cute rings by Alliterations in her...
+ Criminal Composite Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, recommended site, sketches, 0 This will brighten your day. Click to see the 14 Funniest Police Composite Sketches We know eye witnesses aren’t...
+ Logos Creative Moxie Studio, design, graphic design, Logos, recommended look, Uncategorized, 0 You know something is good, when you look at it and wish you were the one to do it...
+ Cat Scan Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, animals, Cat, cute cats, recommended look, scanner, 0 This brings a whole new meaning to a cat scan. Something about this just makes me laugh so much....
+ Socialization Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, illustration, sketches, 0 Ever been curious what the things you socialize over, socialize over? Click for larger image. Just a rough sketch...