Photoshop cooking with Maya Rota Klein. The simulation of a tutorial which shows how to make cookies with Adobe Photoshop The entire stop motion set was made with cardboard and with kitchen utensils. Click here to see the stopmotion video
+ Fluffidermy Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, cuzifeltlikeit, etsy, 0 Can you call this taxidermy for vegans? I stumbled upon, ‘Cuz O Felt Like It! and her Fluffidermy on...
+ Mexico Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Carnival Cruise, Cozumel, Laura Sliva, Mexico, Photography, Progresso, travel, 0 I went on my first cruise to Cozumel and Progesso, Mexico in April. It was a lovely trip that...
+ Colorado Part 2 Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, 0 I took a fantastic adventure to Colorado. These shots include the locations in Denver, Boulder and Rocky Mountain National...
+ Klyde Warren Park, Dallas Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Dallas, Klyde Warren Park, Laura Sliva, Photo, Photography, 0 Here are some photos I took on my visit to the new Klyde Warren Park, a 5.2-acre deck park...
+ Developing with pleasure Creative Moxie Studio, Showcase, Uncategorized, Design, 0 Etiam vehicula odio est, sit amet volutpat nulla rutrum nec. Aliquam lorem diam, condimentum eu mollis et, semper et...
+ A Lil’ Bit of Texas Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Photography, Texas State Fair, 0 Texas State Fair 2009 …and yes I had the fried butter, and no I did not enjoy it. Ferris...
+ Project Thirty Three Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, album cover, illustration, music, recommended look, 0 The hip thing to do nowadays is to collect albums, you know those large cd-like-things your parents use have,...
+ Baseball Time Creative Moxie Studio, baseball, Uncategorized, 0 With opening day for the Texas Rangers tomorrow, I thought ‘what’s more appropriate than having a baseball post’. I...