Test your typography skills with Shape Type: a letter shaping game created by Mark MacKay for Method of Action. My score was a sad 71, I need some practice.
via matt_yow
Test your typography skills with Shape Type: a letter shaping game created by Mark MacKay for Method of Action. My score was a sad 71, I need some practice.
via matt_yow
I have been very busy on the interwebs and one of my goals was to give my blog a...
I love working for The Shorthorn and love it even more when I produce some award-winning material for our...
Oh silly piglets you aren’t suppose to have cake. Cuteness overload check it out the cute project.
I took a fantastic adventure to Colorado. These shots include the locations in Denver, Boulder and Rocky Mountain National...
“One big piece of advice I’d give a young designer is; be prepared to reinvent yourself. Be prepared to...
Russian photographer Andrey Pavlov got close up and personal with live ants for these very interesting macro shots. Using...
I am happy to announce my latest logo project for blogger Hey Talia, a twenty-something gal attempting to...
I have always been interested in faces, and what your features tell about a person. Well Face Research found the...