Test your typography skills with Shape Type: a letter shaping game created by Mark MacKay for Method of Action. My score was a sad 71, I need some practice.
via matt_yow
Test your typography skills with Shape Type: a letter shaping game created by Mark MacKay for Method of Action. My score was a sad 71, I need some practice.
via matt_yow
I Love Charts created the evolution of the hands at gigs. (Sent by Cory)
This combines both things I love- typefaces and cats. View all the photos at Cats as Fonts, I Can Has...
I got in contact with Sage Warner through the zine trade between UT-Arlington’s The OVC club and Portland State...
“These are leaf cut out illustrations by Nature’s Art from China.” “Natural leaf carving is actual manual cutting and...
Check out this thermo-sensitive table designed by Jay Watson. If I stood up from this table and saw my...
Now you can play with Lego bricks anytime, anywhere. Chrome offers complete customization in this virtual Lego world, including...
Taiwan photo continuation… Check out other photos Taiwan Photo 1 Taiwan Photo 2 Taiwan Photo 3 Taiwan Photo 5...
The Shorthorn was honored by two of the largest organizations in the state, and by a national organization. •The...