LehtMoJoe just released his latest remix on 311‘s Wild Nights latest album Universal Pulse. I did the cover art for the remix by putting my own spin on the original work. original 311 Universal Pulse album Listen to LehtMoJoe’s 311 remix
+ SubEx Blog: Q&A: Xander Singh of Pepper Rabbit Talks Dead Pets and Ukuleles Creative Moxie Studio, interview, music, Pepper Rabbit, Uncategorized, Xander Singh, 0 I got a chance to talk with Xander Singh of Pepper Rabbit in a Q&A for my favorite music...
+ Creative Series: Muthahari Insani, mymutas Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, creative series, drawing, illustration, illustrator, Muthahari Insani, mymutas, 0 Creative Moxie: Tell us a little about yourself. Muthahari Insani: My name is Muthahari Insani, my art name is...
+ When Reality Hits Creative Moxie Studio, book, Nancy Barry, recommended read, Uncategorized, When Reality Hits, 0 Day two of a week long dedication to college graduates. I was lent this book, When Reality Hits by...
+ Useful Websites You Should Know Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, DIY, free resources, games, Learn, recommended look, recommended site, resources, Self-help, Ultimate List, 0 For Fun: – Listen to Wikipedia : Listen to Wikipedia being updated. – Favorite and Forget : A list...
+ Need Advice? Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, advice, recommended site, website, 0 This nifty site will give you all the advice you need..bluntly. Get your F***ing advice here
+ Door Mat Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, door mat., 0 Fancy up your front door with this geometric door mat.
+ How-to:Coasters Creative Moxie Studio, crafts, DIY, drink coasters, How-to, Uncategorized, 0 Drink coasters are a hard thing to come by, or at least in my area. Most stores don’t carry...
Christmas Swag Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, christmas, LehtMoJoe, Merry Christmas, music, 0 Christmas isn’t Christmas without a little LehtMoJoe remix with Christmas Swag. A mash up with Soulja Boy and Paul...