I know I am not the only one who has practiced their signature in the off chance of ever becoming famous. You can now have your signature as jewelry through the Brevity site.
I know I am not the only one who has practiced their signature in the off chance of ever becoming famous. You can now have your signature as jewelry through the Brevity site.
An advance typography project. The assignment was to have a conversation with someone and map it out by either doing a...
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear”...
Taiwan photo continuation… Check out other photos Taiwan Photo 1 Taiwan Photo 3 Taiwan Photo 4 Taiwan Photo 5...
If you have been a casualty to the economy, like yours truly, than this film is something you should...
Pedigree Dogs ad shot 1000 FPS using the Phantom camera If commercials were always like this, I would never...
An awkward listing of awkward photos: –Awkward Stock Photos –Awkward Family Photos -Awkward Family Pet Photos -Disney World’s Splash...
Ever wonder what printer ink looks like splattered all over the highway? Well wait no more courtesy of a...