Creative Moxie Studio’s curated weekly resource round-up for your inspiration.

- How to Deal With Career Anxiety in Uncertain Times
- Mental Health and Self-Employment downloadable guide by Leapers
- If you’re feeling anxious or fearful during the coronavirus pandemic, you’re not alone. Offering hope and understanding, author Elizabeth Gilbert reflects on how to stay present, accept grief when it comes and trust in the strength of the human spirit.
- Thought Challenging Printable Cards on Etsy
by Creative Moxie Studio – $4.21 - HBR presents ‘How to handle the challenges of freelancing and self-employment, from loneliness to financial instability’ podcast.
- Tips for freelancers by freelancers on Underpinned
- A Trick for Making Decisions on A Cup of Jo
- Free Coronavirus Sanity Guide by Ten Percent Happier
- How to Overcome Worry and Be a Friendlier Person by Jocelyn K. Glei
- An aggregated list of free resources, opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines by Freelance Artist Resource