Paper Source gives this simple tutorial to create your own paper notepad. To see the complete written instructions and photographs check out Paper Source’s blog
DIY Paper Notepads
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, 0
If you have been a casualty to the economy, like yours truly, than this film is something you should...
7-Eleven Concept Store
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, 7-eleven, concept store, rebranding, recommended look, 0
7-Eleven shows off a new look with their concept store in New York’s financial district. The store features a...
Crazy Paper Thing
Creative Moxie Studio, paper, paper folding, recommended look, Uncategorized, YouTube, 0
Transform a piece of paper into a morphing three-dimensional sculpture. Via Sparkyarf
Gutterth Compilation Three
Creative Moxie Studio, Doug Burr, free, Gutterth Compliation Three, Mount Righteous, music, RTB2, Uncategorized, 0
Everybody loves free music! So check out the free Gutterth Compilation Three download from Gutterth Records. Featuring songs from...
Fight the Hype Campaign
Creative Moxie Studio, Drug Prevention Resources, Fight the Hype, illustration, Inc., Laura Sliva, Navarro College, Uncategorized, 0
As a designer the most exciting thing is getting to see your design on the final product. No matter...
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, music video, recommended look, 0
This man speaks the truth although I thought it was counterintuitive to watch this while at work.
Interesting Photos
Creative Moxie Studio, Showcase, Uncategorized, Business, 0
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae...
DIY : Shirt to Purse
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, button-up shirt, DIY, handbag, How-to, purse, sewing, 0
This is a relatively easy, no measure, upcycle (the practice of taking something that is throwaway and repurposing it...
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