I have always been a fan of Tina Roth Eisenberg’s Swiss Miss website and I also follow her on twitter @swissmiss. So it was great to see this comprehensive list of her studio mates and their tweets. Clean design, basic and frankly a nice idea. Click here to visit Studiomates
Sochi Olympics
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, ArtWorks, KNBC, Laura Sliva, Los Angeles, NBC, NBCUniversal, Olympics, Sochi Russia, 0
KNBC, Los Angeles news broadcast The Sochi, Russia Olympics are in full swing and so is NBC’s coverage. One...
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Design, inspiration, quotes, recommended look, 0
To be honest, I hate when people take quotes and put it in fancy type and stick it on...
Creative Series: Sarah Hennessey
Creative Moxie Studio, art, creative series, drawing, etsy, illustration, Sarah Hennessey, Uncategorized, 0
I’ve discovered Sarah Hennessey’s work through her etsy shop sometimesiswirl. Hennessey is a midwestern girl who loves to doodle....
Colorado Part 3
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, 0
I took a fantastic adventure to Colorado. These shots include the locations in Denver, Boulder and Rocky Mountain National...
Inspiration vs Immitation
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Comic, Jessica Hische, recommended look, 1
It’s funny because it’s true, you can’t argue with Jessica Hische on that one.
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, illustration, sketches, 0
Ever been curious what the things you socialize over, socialize over? Click for larger image. Just a rough sketch...
Free IPhone Wallpaper Backgrounds, featuring textures from Creative Moxie Studio
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, 0
These textures are available on Creative Market to download To use: Right click and save image Open Settings on...
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