When I get both finished zines I will post it. Stay tuned.
Zine Trade
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Binding, Emboss, Layout, Publication, 0
My first publication. Off the Canvas + Created: Layout, content, binding, embossing
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, gunbrella, recommended look, umbrellas, 0
If I didnt already have a gagillion umbrellas already, I would definitely have to get this. And its only £10.99,...
Miguel Endara Stippling
Creative Moxie Studio, artist, drawing, Miguel Endara, stippling, Uncategorized, 0
Stippling is a drawing technique that uses a pattern of small dots to create an image. It is a...
Creative Series: Muthahari Insani, mymutas
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, creative series, drawing, illustration, illustrator, Muthahari Insani, mymutas, 0
Creative Moxie: Tell us a little about yourself. Muthahari Insani: My name is Muthahari Insani, my art name is...
When Reality Hits
Creative Moxie Studio, book, Nancy Barry, recommended read, Uncategorized, When Reality Hits, 0
Day two of a week long dedication to college graduates. I was lent this book, When Reality Hits by...
Hello Kitty Eva Airways Plane
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, Eva Airways, Hello Kitty, Plane, Taipei, Taiwan, 0
I really wish they had this plane when I went to Taipei. Taiwan airline Eva Airways recently launched three Hello...
The Hobbit
Creative Moxie Studio, Bilbo, Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson, The Hobbit, Uncategorized, 0
I really cannot control my excitement for The Hobbit movie. I am not into a lot of sci-fi and...
Creative Series: Juan Leguizamon
Creative Moxie Studio, Uncategorized, art, creative series, Design, Juan Leguizamon, 0
Juan Leguizamon is a San Francisco based designer, illustrator, animator and latest artist featured for the Creative Series Q&A....
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