Ever wonder how some companies make their money? Seer Interactive created a neat site that breaks down how your favorite tech companies stay in business. Click to visit the site.
How Do They Make Money

Ever wonder how some companies make their money? Seer Interactive created a neat site that breaks down how your favorite tech companies stay in business. Click to visit the site.
So I am currently reading Steve Jobs, the authorized biography written by Walter Isaacson. A small paragraph really stuck out to me. It was the discussion between Steve Jobs and Paul Rand on the NeXT logo. Paul Rand is an American graphic designer that created logos for IBM, UPS,...
This is an interesting design article on the theory “There is only one Cloud Icon in the Entire Universe” by Scott Hanselman. Hanselman dissects the idea of the cloud icon and who was the original. This brings up the great point designers face that “everything has been done before.”...
You know you are an Apple junkie when you just cannot wait to open that new MacBook Pro or iPhone. You caress the aluminum and even take a whiff of it. Well now you don’t have to drop a couple of thousands to get that new product smell, a...
Apple released photos and video of their testing centers. Apple’s PR must be in over-drive to fix the debacle with the antenna issues to start promoting things like this. It is great that Apple has a multimillion-dollar facility to test antenna issues, but I think the real problem is...