Two Times Elliot Identity Designed Kosmograd All That Shines Design Work Life Heng Swee Lim Heng Swee Lim Fucktum Designers Go to Heaven Swiss Cheese and Bullets
Design Inspiration

Two Times Elliot Identity Designed Kosmograd All That Shines Design Work Life Heng Swee Lim Heng Swee Lim Fucktum Designers Go to Heaven Swiss Cheese and Bullets
“Just remember when the industry seems to get crowded, there’s always room at the top of the box.” Some words of wisdom sent to me from my brother.
To be honest, I hate when people take quotes and put it in fancy type and stick it on a photo. I feel it cheapens the quote, and that somebody else’s interpretation isn’t the same interpretation the quote had on you. With that being said, I am going to...
I chose this saying, because even I get caught up in it. I will spend all my time browsing blogs, designer websites and twitter and frankly don’t get time to do my own personal work. So I encourage you to stop drooling over things others work and go create...