An awkward listing of awkward photos: –Awkward Stock Photos –Awkward Family Photos -Awkward Family Pet Photos -Disney World’s Splash Mountain -Awkward Wedding Moments -People of Wal Mart -Engrish Fail -Fail Blog
Awkward Posting

An awkward listing of awkward photos: –Awkward Stock Photos –Awkward Family Photos -Awkward Family Pet Photos -Disney World’s Splash Mountain -Awkward Wedding Moments -People of Wal Mart -Engrish Fail -Fail Blog
I am so fortunate to have worked at The Shorthorn, UT-Arlington student newspaper, during my college career. I have learned so much from my peers and advisors especially from my first photo editor Dominic Bracco. I started as an inexperienced photographer and over time became a photojournalist. From learning the ethics...
“Born in Switzerland but living in Quebec for many years, Meriol Lehmann is a new media artist, photographer and musician. He’s currently working about the way our memories affect our perception of time and territory. Either in his audio or visual work, horizontally is a constant paradigm” Creative Moxie:...
A couple of photographs I took while on my trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Click for larger view) Aristocrat Apartments The Fordyce Bathhouse The Fordyce Bathhouse From the Observation Tower.
A woman reacts at the news of her relative’s death in an evacuation shelter for survivors of Friday’s earthquake and tsunami, March 15, 2011, in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture. (Associated Press/Kyodo News) Family photo albums lie in the ruins of the devastated residential area of tsunami hit Otsuchi March 15,...
Taiwan photo continuation… Check out other photos Taiwan Photo 1 Taiwan Photo 2 Taiwan Photo 3 Taiwan Photo 4 (Click photo enlarge) Taipei International Flora Exposition Yuanshan, Taiwan Taipei International Flora Exposition Yuanshan, Taiwan Taipei International Flora Exposition Yuanshan, Taiwan Taipei International Flora Exposition Yuanshan, Taiwan Taipei International Flora...
Taiwan photo continuation… Check out other photos Taiwan Photo 1 Taiwan Photo 2 Taiwan Photo 3 Taiwan Photo 5 (Click to Enlarge) Temple in Lu-kang, Taiwan Temple in Lu-kang, Taiwan Lu-kang, Taiwan Taipei International Flora Exposition Yuanshan, Taiwan Taipei International Flora Exposition Yuanshan, Taiwan Handmade paper Taipei International Flora Exposition Yuanshan, Taiwan ...
Taiwan photo continuation… Check out other photos Taiwan Photo 1 Taiwan Photo 2 Taiwan Photo 4 Taiwan Photo 5 (click to enlarge photos) Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Hot Pot Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Jofun, Taiwan Jofun,...
Taiwan photo continuation… Check out other photos Taiwan Photo 1 Taiwan Photo 3 Taiwan Photo 4 Taiwan Photo 5 (click to enlarge photos) Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Taipei, Taiwan Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Taipei, Taiwan National Palace Museum, Taiwan Walking up steps Jofun, Taiwan Props shop Jofun, Taiwan Props shop...
So the next couple of posts will be dedicated to photos I took while in Taiwan. There is a mix of conceptual work and tourism shots. Taiwan is a great place. The people are very friendly, it is easy to get around and there is a lot to do...