Artist Fabian Gonzalez is at it again. You might remember his work with Minimalism Heroes and Villians. Well now he has made superhero typography, for the ultimate nerd. (Via Geekologie)
Super Hero Alphabet

Artist Fabian Gonzalez is at it again. You might remember his work with Minimalism Heroes and Villians. Well now he has made superhero typography, for the ultimate nerd. (Via Geekologie)
A follow up to Illustrator Fabian Gonzalez‘s “Minimalism Heroes” with now his minimalist villains. “IN THAT ORDER: Galactus , Magneto, Bullseye, Bane, Mumm-Ra, Doomsday, The Joker, Cat Woman, Dr. Doom, Amanda Waller, Venom, Electro, Captain Cold, Green Goblin,Carnage, Clayface, Black Adam, The Penguin, Poison Ivy, Kingpin, General Zod, MODOK, Loki,...
“Illustrator Fabian Gonzalez strips comic book characters down to their bare essence in his clever new graphic Minimalism Heroes. The 30-year-old freelance designer, who says he grew up on Marvel and DC Comics, created the image for a T-shirt competition. In honor of his favorite superhero, Gonzalez placed an...